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Trusted by over 7,000 dance studios and other businesses nationwide

Jackrabbit is easily grasped. I’m free to grow the business yet manage it from wherever I am. Watch review.
Adam, Temecula Dance
Jackrabbit’s all-in-one system has everything I need. Jackrabbit is always easy and quick. Watch review.
Olivia, Gotta Dance
It’s like having another employee and a whole tech crew on your team that’s there to help you win. Watch review.
Suzanne, Kathy Blake Dance
Jackrabbit has given us the ability to meet our clients & to grow our business – which was something we weren’t really capable of doing before. Watch review.
Mitzi, Tumblebus Central
Jackrabbit has it down to a science. Identifying the root problem allows them to effectively answer questions and resolve any issues we report. Watch review.
Randy, American Twisters
Several components of Jackrabbit’s system have been business-changing and that is how we know they keep our best interest top-of-mind. Watch review.
Scott, ENeRGy Kids
It's made me so much better as an owner because I can see what is happening here on a day-to-day basis. Watch review.
Karen, United States Swim
We see registrations coming in at all hours and we are proud to offer our customers this 24/7 service. Watch review.
Cindy, Swim Kids
Using the website/parent portal allows us to have more time with customers instead of entering data. Watch review.
John, Little Otter Swim School
Jackrabbit‘s portal and online registration allow parents to control their own information-that’s a real differentiator. Watch review.
Kyle, All Star Legacy
Transitioning to Jackrabbit was the single best decision we’ve made for our business in a long time. It has saved us time and saved us money. Watch review.
Lauren, Victory Cheerleading
Using Jackrabbit has allowed us to take our business to the next level. The cost of the service is priceless compared to the value we receive. Watch review.
J.R., Ace Cheer Company
Jackrabbit gave us the opportunity to automate all of our schedules for our teachers, keep track of all our class schedules and payroll. Time is what it’s all about! Watch review.
Phil, Jennings Music
Being able to access the information no matter where I am – is great. If there’s a problem, my office can call me and I can handle it right there, on the spot. Watch review.
Melissa, Music Authority
Jackrabbit has changed the way we do business by streamlining so much of what we do. We’ve got an easy way of quickly and easily communicating with families.  Watch review.
Theresa, Piano Central
The pace of our growth never could have continued without Jackrabbit, it would have been overwhelming to manage. Automating processes have been fantastic in freeing up staff for more meaningful tasks.
Angie, APEC Learning Center
Jackrabbit Care allows the flexibility to enter data, it’s not complicated, it allows me to message my parents in groups, and it’s easy to teach and I like the support I receive. That makes a big difference. I also like the price, it’s very good
Deborah, MI3 Ministries
These processes were very time consuming without Jackrabbit because I had to add and subtract each one or manually apply them. I wouldn’t believe the time savings if I hadn’t experienced it for myself.
Mike, Christ Church Children's Center

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Jassmine Deavilla

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